The Fargo Park District wants your input!
The Fargo Park District is working on a Park System Master Plan, which will guide future improvements and new facilities to the park system. As they plan, they want to hear from you.
Click here to provide feedback and engage in the project.
The Fargo Park District is comprised of over 150 parks and facilities, 124 miles of scenic trails, 100 programs, over 50 special events, and 136 community groups. Their goal is to provide safe and enjoyable parks, facilities and trails for our community to enjoy.
Fargo is reviewing 2024 International Code updates
The Board of Appeals has been reviewing the 2024 updates. At the most recent meeting, the board reviewed International Building Code section 1809.5 Frost Protection and International Residential Code Chapters 1-24 which included what the city plans on adopting, amending or removing.
Changes are outlined in the minutes from the meeting.
BIA-RRV anticipates receiving a summary of changes to review from Inspections Administrator Shawn Ouradnik. We will share as those become available.
Legislative sessions began in Minnesota and North Dakota
The North Dakota 69th legislative session began Jan. 7 and is going full steam ahead, with over 600 bills introduced. The North Dakota Association of Builders Government Affairs Committee is meeting weekly to review various bills related to the building and housing industries. BIA-RRV has two representatives on that committee.
The 94th Minnesota legislative session began Jan. 14. The Senate is currently tied 33 DFL-33 GOP and House is 66 DFL-67 GOP. It was an interesting first day as with a struggle ensued between Democrats and Republicans in the House to settle on a power-sharing agreement, DFL legislators boycotted the first day and may do so until a special election happens on Jan. 28.
Please keep an eye out for call to action emails in the coming months as you, our members, are the best at communicating the real-world impacts of bills to our legislators in Bismarck and St. Paul.
New 14-point test in Minnesota for Employee Classification
Currently, in the commercial or residential building construction industry workers are considered employees unless they meet the nine requirements to be considered independent contractors. As we've mentioned in previous updates, those requirements are being extended to 14 beginning March 1, 2025.
To access resources and the 14-point test, click here.
NAHB submits comments on OSHA's proposed heat standard
NAHB submitted comments on Jan. 14, arguing that the agency's one-size-fits-all approach to heat injury and illness prevention fails to account for the unique requirements of each industry. As written, the standard would apply broadly to all employers performing outdoor and indoor work across the general industry, construction, maritime, and agriculture sectors, with certain exceptions. They specifically raised concerns about the uniform application of heat triggers nationwide and criticized the proposal's overly prescriptive measures, such as mandatory rest breaks and acclimatization procedures.
NAHB advocated for guidance that allows employers to tailor their heat injury and illness prevention programs to fit the needs of their employees, the size of their businesses and the areas in which they work.
You can read more here.